Monday 18 August 2008

Yesterday was family day. Was out with them to watch fadhil's 1st ever outdoor performance/gig at clarke quay with his band. The event was called Tapestry. His band managed to pass the audition and got in!

Ayah, Abang and Mama :)

These are some of the pics taken... :)
After that, we went to Woodlands stadium! For what? To watch the "Dollah Kassim Piala" thingy. The one advertised on Suria. LOL.

Go and find Hady Mirza! He's in this picture! Heehee.

Had a great time on Saturday as well. Went to the Heart Rock Concert "Come Together" for the NDP 08 Celebrations at the Marina Bay Floating Stage with the band members! Featuring legendary songs of The Beatles! I finally got to see Anita Sarawak live! Hahaha.
Will update when pics are received.
Taaa~ :]

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