Monday 5 May 2008

Sorry for not updating for like, a week? Heehee. Kinda busy these days and just don't feel like blogging.

Tmr's my UT! Which means understanding test. And i'm gonna go study for it soon!

It's just that I got something to blog about. It's my older bro. He said something to me. I wonder what's on his mind which made him say this. He said, "Girls these days have no shame at all. Be it the one with or without the "looks". And if they know they have the looks, they take advantage of it. Some even would ask a guy out. What's worst, sound a guy to be their bf." He told my mum and then she told me about it. Like the malay saying goes...."Perigi mencari timba".

I kinda disagree about it at first cos not all gerls are like that. But to a certain extent, yes I agree. There are loads of ppl like that these days. Even for some who already have a bf, they do not behave like they're attached. Take care of the hearts of the ones you love as much as possible. Rmbr, what goes around comes around. DOTS. (Same goes to some male species..heh)

Sesungguhnya, sifat kewanitaan telah pupus dari dunia?
(It's not a statement, it's a question. :p)

I'm not saying that i'm perfect or something. Yes it's common to have more confident girls around these days. But some just do not know how to limit themselves. I know I sound like i'm a lil old-fashioned or something. But that's just me. And, the word limitation exist. But then again, it's really up to individuals really. Well, I shall not say more. I'm just saying this in general. Sorry if any of you feel offended. But on the other hand, you shouldn't feel offended if you're not like that. :p

Oh yah, i finally got my very first taste of Ben and Jerry's ice cream! Oh...again i'm so yesterday? Heh. Thanks to Noreen and Hafiz for letting me get a taste of heaven! HEH!

Yours Truly :]

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