Tuesday 8 April 2008

On the first day of school yesterday(7th april), i actually missed quite a number of 168. Every 168 that arrived were fully packed. Like seriously!!! I waited till it was going 8am then i was getting worried! School starts at 9am everyday by the way. So i decided to take a cab. -_- I asked another 2 "strangers" from RP to share a cab with me since they looked like they're late as well! Anyway, it cost around 26 bucks in total. Haiz! But looking on the bright side, i wasn't late for class!

What i studied on the first day? Science. Dalam hati otak dah berkarat macamane ni! Which actually means my brain has rusted. Lol. It was about blood. Blah3. The types and so on. I was in group 1 together with Victoria, Joanne, Sadiq and Kwan yan. Here are some pictures we took...

We took these pics using Victoria's webcam. Heh! Anyway, learning about blood can be quite stressful. Sheesh. But that was yesterday.

Today, took 969 instead from tampines interchange and thank god i wasn't late! I took the bus on the right timing i guess. Today is a more relaxing day compared to yesterday. Our module today is on Computing and mathematics. If i'm not wrong! LOL. It was quite fun playing around with directions and instructions, really. Had lunch with the usual ex-ITE mates... Nadiya, Khai & Atix. It's extra fun having them around. They'll make me laugh and forget about getting all stressed up over studies. Stress reliever huh. Heh. So we have to complete this RJ thingy( Reflection Journal) everyday and evaluate our group mates plus yourself. Heeh. Anyway, today was in group 1 again together with Paulyn, Victoria, Andy & Maran. :)

Everyday home trips in bus 168 will be enjoyable if i'm with Nad. Heh! Yesterday with her crappy jokes disturbing a nose picker boarding the same bus. Today with another crappy joke, me and her disturbing one chinese NS guy who fell asleep in a not so good way. Always wanting to "borrow" someone's shoulder. You know what i mean? HEH!
So those are my updates! :)
yours truly:]

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