Monday 3 March 2008

Last friday, my mom saves the day! Lol. What happened was, there was this two guys who was about to beat each other up under my void deck, and my mom stopped them. Looking at how fierce they look, how huge their body sizes are(super muscular!), my mom was daring enough to stop them huh!!! They were in their 30s i think. She told them to stop what they're doing and say that they're only going to embarrass themselves in public. And they insist on fighting and all. But after my mom's advise and all, they finally cooled down. Oh my heroine mom.<3333333333

Band on saturday was okay. Went lunch with adik at Vivo before meeting Su'aidah to see her Gradshow. Power lah those art work! :)) Later on joined the rest at The Cathay to buy movie tickets. Before watching the movie, we went to a nearby arcade. Anyway, we watched L change the world! I never got to catch any of those Deathnote movies. This was my first. And it was excellent. I will give it a 10 over 10. I love all parts of the movie. Heh. I would love to watch it again! After that we went for late dinner at PS Burger King. A totally tiring day filled with fun people around me making the day super duper enjoyable. :D

Me, adik (Padi) & Noreen!

We didn't plan on wearing green really! Coincidence huh! :D

They planned on going Sentosa this saturday. I shall confirm again if i'm able to make it. :)

Am supposed to go out today. But, had to cancel it due to the painful stomach. Sorry! :(

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