Monday 25 February 2008

Had so much fun last saturday! Good news, i was early for band prac! So happy for that. Hee. But i felt sleepy to the max cos i slept at 2am. Heh. I like the sound of the band these days. We're really improving and i'm glad. Hope we keep this up. Had games after band. But before that, we had our free Nasi lemak for lunch. The rice was green in colour! Lol. And we kinda celebrated birthdays of Dec, Jan & Feb babies. Soon after, when i talked to my brother about the gift he got, Hanafi was saying this to me...."Mintak maaf ye kak...." Then i stepped aside only to know that he actually was having an intention to smash some chocolate cake onto my bro's face. Heh. And he did. Yes, this kinda thing is always so contagious. So, the rest started to follow. Really really funny!

For games, we were split into 5 groups. Groups A to E. I was in group B together with Sheena, Sherlina, Joanna, Shahidah, Shu Hua & Jonathan. Padi was our facilitator. Heh. All games were held in the forum. The first game we played was...hmm can't recall but it has got to do with names and memorising them! Haha. Oh yah Grp A & D combined becos there were lots of ppl who were "missing". So, when combined, their grp was the biggest! But they lost the first game. But! group B lost 2 games! Hahaha. The most embarrassing thing we had to do was the catwalk. -_- Overall, Grp A&D was the champion :D But, group B won the group cheer! It goes like this..."Ohhhhhhh~ Group B boleh, Group B boleh....All the rest can go fly kite!". ;p

After the games, we ate at Century Square @Food Culture - The usual. Had our Ban mian as usual again. Then hang out at Coffee Bean. There, we talked & sang loads of different genres of songs. From RnB to rock to dangdut to jiwang then finally nasyid. Surprising but real. Heh. It was a totally enjoyable day i must say! Here's some pics i grabbed...

Group B! :)

@ the school's bus stop after games day.

yours truly :]

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