Saturday 5 January 2008

Went for the very first band prac of the year in the morning just now. Met padi at tampines interchange before heading to school. I thought i was late. But when we reached the school, there were only few pairs of shoes(meaning few ppl). I felt so sleepy cause i did not have enough sleep/rest. Didn't get to sleep well. Band members should know why. Heh. The first prac was not so bad although there were few ppl/members around. We played quite a number of songs. Can't rmbr the titles. Haha.

Was really glad to meet them again. But went straight home after band though, due to some reason. Haa.

Nothing much to blog about. Maybe tmr there will be more. Tmr, will be going for Serene's Singapore Poly Symphonic Band concert at Victoria Concert Hall. Is it symphonic or concert? Should be symphonic. Haha.
Can't wait.

Taa! :)

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