Friday 22 June 2007

went out with nad, aishah and hamie.
we had LOADS of fun. really. hee.
hamie was the first to arrive at city hall mrt stn.
as usual, me and the other 2 will not be on time! lol.
sorry hamie! hehehe ;p
at least i was the 2nd to arrive!
if it was the three of us, i'll be the earliest? lol.
so first we went to marina square to eat. haha.
although i had alr eaten at home, but takpela. eat again.
we ate at long john silver.
had loads of things to talk abt seh. long time no meet kan.
it was fun to tease the three of them. kekeke ;p
after lunch, we went to raffles give nashir a visit! lol.
kite aderla ingatkan that prestat is at basement. skali.......
it was at lvl 1~! (ground lvl ?) lol.
we were actually touring the whole basement searching for it.
but couldnt find la... finally when nad called hafizd, then we were able to find.
depan mate je lahhhhh. hahahha.
chit chatted for awhile...then go off for job searching!!!
me and hamie wana job search...and nad wanted to change her job..
so we bought papers....
and, tried charles and keith.
fill up form and bla bla bla..
interview: lucky seh 3 at once!
and the HR seems soooo friendly.
fazlin pon ape lagi...heehee. ;p
she told us lots of things. even abt the store and all.
kan mcm wana give us the job rite?
cool. she said she'll call us on mon to confirm the outlet and all.
dono get or not lor. (:

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