Thursday 7 June 2007

went to band on last sat.
there was sectionals and all.
after that there's combined.
saw him = whatever.
hope ure happy with life now without me.
after band, went to clarke quay.
waited for noreen's gerlfriends at mrt stn.
then saw these whole grp of "jap-looking" ppl.
thought they were jap, but they're actually korean!
there was this H2O thing going on for S League players.
and 4 korean guys won (it was a ball-juggling comp).
they were still juggling the ball after 1hr?! yeah.
power rite? so pro..
and managed to take pic with the whole korean soccer team. hee.
like fated yea? ;p
then went to dinner with serene and noreen @ secret recipe.

on last sunday, went to pasir ris with my parents.
watch my younger bro play with his band at a random majlis perkahwinan.
nvr knew my bro can play the drumset so well! weeee~ keep it up! :)

on tues, went out with aishah for window shopping. hee.
nad couldnt make it i suppose.
oh how i wish i can get those NOVO sandals!!! $33.90 lah.
so ex. but nice nice..!!
we went round and many nice clothes! errr..
not enuf money la dey. actually, no money at all.
and i hope i can watch pirates 3. again....yes i havent catch the
movie yet. sad kan fazlin....ape dah.

and nowadays i'm quite happy with life.
i ♥ my family.
i ♥ ALL my friends.


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